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Our Mission

Love and hope. We believe these are the two most powerful forces in the world.

Invested in a child, these forces can change the course of a life – even generations that follow.

At Methodist Home for Children, we care for children who have sweeping and complex needs. Some are foster children in search of a home. Some have mental health diagnoses and developmental disabilities and need specialized classrooms and care. Others come through the juvenile justice system and need a place to change their behaviors, catch up in school, and set new goals for themselves.

We provide safe, stable homes where children can thrive and live to their full, God-given potential. While not always traditional, an MHC home is where child and family are equipped to succeed. We build on strengths, nurturing hopes and goals, and prepare all in our care to shape their own futures.

We believe every child deserves a chance.


We're Here to Help

If you are interested in learning about ways you can support Methodist Home for Children, or if you have already made a gift, please let us know.